Monday, September 17, 2012

Inspiration Quote

I just got home from a weekend trip to Arizona! I had never been there before so I was pretty excited. I was also excited because I went with my mom, step dad, and foster brother to visit my old foster Siblings (the ones I sent my bats and bubbles post to). I will have a post to share some of that trip soon. What this post is about is a little quote that I thought about a lot today. I had a three hour flight, a two hour wait, and an hour and a half bus ride home. I was watching season 6 of Skins and listening to some Kate Nash today. I was put in a very odd mood, almost like I knew exactly who I was and saw myself as a total stranger at the same time. Anyway it reminded me of this quote I found on the postsecret website a few years ago..

I like this post secret a lot. It means something very different to me than it did when I was in the early years of high school. Back then I was waiting for a man, waiting for someone to help me find myself and to be with. Now it means more than that. It means I only need myself to be me and grow. I am waiting to experience new things, to see new things, and to take on life in my twenties.It is one of those things to think about on those days when you are in a funk but in a good way. Sometimes getting blue is what makes you get to the happiest. 

Hope this helps with Monday fog and any life troubles.

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